The processes taking place in the modern world cannot be explained in terms of human logic. For some reason, I am sure that the majority of politicians holding the highest public positions also are not aware of their full depth and those few who do are simply unable to influence their development. Various geopolitical contradictions of the leading powers of the world today are more reminiscent of death convulsions and the growing chaos in the public consciousness and the surrounding nature triggers an uncontrolled process of self-destruction of the entire system as a whole.

I don’t want to separately touch on the topic of special military operation in Ukraine; I am not an expert in the military field. Moreover, I have no doubt that, having gone through a series of trials, errors and even betrayals, the Russian people will still win this battle on the battlefield. But whether they will be able to win the global war of meanings remains in question. In this regard, the experience of the twentieth century is very indicative, when, under incredibly difficult conditions, the Soviet Union was able to defeat the strongest enemy on the battlefield, achieve an unthinkable rise in the economic and scientific sphere, but, in the end, lost the war with itself.

“He who overcomes others is strong; he who overcomes himself is mighty.” — Tao Te Ching

On the one hand, it is difficult to watch without pain when people who speak the same language and have the same last name kill each other. On the other hand, there is a growing realization that this is in fact Russia’s war with itself, and it was inevitable. For thirty years, all the centuries-old moral foundations of society were broken, the cult of vice was forcibly inculcated into the minds of the younger generations, history was rudely mixed with mud, and betrayal was elevated to the rank of higher dignity. The war with itself is the beginning of purification; its victory will mean the birth of a new world, defeat will mean complete oblivion and degeneration.

Truth is the daughter of time, and only now, thirty years after the collapse of the USSR, are people beginning to realize it fully. Over these years, modern civilization has faced exhaustion in all areas of its being, from culture to science. Against all this background, wars, a critical drop in the birth rate, high mortality, a sharp rise in various diseases and climatic anomalies should not seem anything unusual; man and the nature around him are one. Civilization has once again encountered precisely the case in which human consciousness has entered an acute phase of contradiction with its own nature.

Such crises have occurred more than once in our history, but as a rule they were of a limited nature and concerned the collapse of individual empires or states. Beginning in the twentieth century, destructive tendencies began to acquire a global character and concern now everyone. One should not count on the reasonable actions of politicians; global events tend to unfold regardless of their decisions. Russian philosopher Alexander Zinoviev very accurately described the events taking place in the world after the collapse of the USSR. Let me quote an excerpt from his last interview:

“Democracy is gradually disappearing from the social organization of Western countries. Totalitarianism is spreading everywhere, because a supranational structure imposes its own laws on the states. This undemocratic superstructure gives orders, sanctions, and embargoes, drops bombs, and starves people to death. Financial totalitarianism has subjugated political power. Cold financial totalitarianism is alien to emotion and pity. Compared to financial dictatorships, political dictatorships can be considered quite human. Within the most brutal dictatorships some resistance was possible. It is impossible to rebel against banks!”

Only a blind man can ignore the influence of big business interests on all key political, economic and military processes in the world; its interests concern the lives of all of us. The power of influence of the financial dictatorship rests solely on people’s belief in its power; the system has been able to create conditions under which everyone on the planet will have to defend it, some trying to preserve their illegally gained capital, others, their meager pensions and benefits. No matter what currency will be at the head of this new dictatorship, the dollar, euro, yuan or ruble, you cannot kill the dragon, by killing it you become a dragon yourself. Being within the existing system, the basis of which is competition, that is, the war of all against all, victory over it is impossible. The financial dragon is a vice, which penetrated deeply into the human consciousness, and without an internal struggle with yourself, it will not be possible to clear your consciousness from its influence.

The reason why the capitalists hate the Soviet past and tried to erase its ideals from the minds of the younger generations is precisely because the ideology of the USSR was to replace competition with mutual aid and to wage an unceasing struggle against personal and social vices. This struggle was at the root of all military, economic, and scientific victories of the state. Until the seductive image of a sweet and carefree life, devoid of any resistance to one’s own vicious thoughts, loomed on the horizon. The ideology of consumption and comfort has created a new type of man whose consciousness is incompatible with his creative nature.

Many should remember how in 2016 within the scientific environment appeared such an expression as “snowflake generation,” the Financial Times recognized it then as the word of the year. This is the name given to people born after 1990 in the states of European civilization (some sociologists prefer to count back even to 1985). For the first time in observed history, the differences between the generations are so great that anthropologists have talked about the emergence of a new species of people. One could agree with those who do not see anything bad in this, saying it is just a new time, new values and nothing more. But the history of civilization shows the opposite, hinting at the inevitable tragic consequences of the change of values.

Bread and Circuses

“Bread and circuses!” the author of this expression was the ancient Roman poet Decimus Junius Juvenalis, who lived in the first and second centuries. He dedicates his expression to a society that thinks only of food and entertainment, and the ancient Roman politicians simply use people’s emotions in the struggle for power. Juvenal, in his poems, painfully notes the moral decline and low demand of the once great Roman people. Doesn’t this remind you of anything?

As an example, take a passage from Mikhail Lermontov’s famous poem about the Battle of Borodino in 1812: “Yes, there were people in our time, not like the present tribe. Heroes — not like you!” Vissarion Belinsky later noted: “Borodino” — the poet’s complaint against the present generation, slumbering in inactivity, his envy of the great past, so full of glory and great deeds.

Maybe the Japanese wisdom is right after all: “If you have not had any crisis in your life that is difficult to endure, you should buy those experiences for a lot of money.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky also noted in 1877: “A long peace always gives birth to cruelty, cowardice and rude, obese egoism, and most importantly, mental stagnation. In a long peace only the executioners and exploiters of peoples get fat. Lust gives birth to cruelty and cowardice. The coarse and rude soul of a lustful man is crueler than any other, even vicious soul.”

The degradation of man in peaceful and well-fed time is a very serious question; it is directly related to the development of the future world order as a whole. There is no doubt that nature will never allow the final suppression of human consciousness. The question is different — are various crises and wars the only remedy for the degradation of mankind? The answer to this question has existed for a long time, but those who want to rule over us just try not to bring it to the masses using the ancient Roman experience in the struggle for power — give the people bread and circuses, and they will vote for you. As in ancient Rome, free distribution of grain will be practiced (“helicopter money” and one-time financial bonuses), and also will be arranged public mass gladiatorial fights (various television shows and wars). Everything, as it was then, continued in our reality until recently.

Current Reality

Many people have probably paid attention to the growing tension in society. This applies to almost all states of the so-called civilized world without exception. The reason is not only the fall of the standard of living. The trust in the authorities is also falling, people refuse to go to elections, and they stop trusting the official propaganda. My acquaintances in the USA, Europe, Central Asia and Russia talk about the same processes taking place in their countries. People are subconsciously trying to find the truth, to understand the essence of what is going on around them. In Europe, the extreme right-wing parties are gaining popularity, and in the United States many Americans are already openly opposed to further assistance to the Kiev regime. I am also gradually coming to the conclusion about the beginning of a certain global ideological confrontation in society, in these conditions of acute social inequality, lies and hypocrisy — it was inevitable to happen.

Famous philosopher Alexander Dugin in his new book “Archaeomodern” describes this phenomenon. Its essence is that in the same society there is a two-level model of interpretation of almost all phenomena and principles — in politics, culture, everyday life, etc. The core of the people continues to live under the conditions of traditional society, while the elite of the state, being modern, moves in the opposite direction.

This applies not only to Russia, take any European state or the United States and you will see the same picture: society and the elites are like in completely different worlds and the tension between them is growing. More and more people understand that today’s politicians are just talking heads who don’t decide anything in essence. For many of today’s elites, the war in Ukraine is merely a distraction for society and a way to stay in power amid a falling economy and uncontrolled price increases. We can see how Western countries are once again lowering the “Iron Curtain”; direct entry to Lithuania has already been banned to Russians since September 19. But even despite the growing chaos and hysteria in political circles, there were and still are sensible people in the West, and there are many of them in Lithuania.

My old friend, the Lithuanian politician Algirdas Paleckis, founded the public organization “International Good Neighborhood Forum”. At the moment, while Algirdas himself is in Lithuanian prison on trumped-up charges, the organization is led by Erika Švenčionienė, who herself is under severe political pressure. At a time when the world is bursting at the seams, this event itself is unprecedented and may serve as a good example for all thinking people. I have no doubt that this decision by Algirdas was not spontaneous, he sees the future very well and knows what he is doing. I will briefly highlight the purpose of this organization:

“Our goal is to raise people’s diplomacy to a high level, because the Lithuanian authorities are not working for the good of our state, and the policy pursued towards our eastern neighbors has ruined the Lithuanian economy. We must build relations bypassing the U.S. Lithuanian government. One of our main goals is to open a representative office of the Neighborhood Forum in all neighboring countries.”

Some people think that in the West, particularly in Lithuania, people are guilty of putting up with the actions of their politicians. I would like to remind you that the modern West, especially the Baltics or Ukraine, is not the USSR of the 60s–90s, where, without fear of consequences, everyone could ridicule the Soviet way of life and tell vulgar jokes about the Soviet leaders. Western democracy does not tolerate dissent; anyone who challenges it can lose everything in an instant, regardless of politicians’ claims about freedom of speech.

There are a lot of people in the West who are aware of the viciousness of the system they have to live in. Moreover, I am sure that most of the population of the world today looks with hope to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which may offer an alternative to the financial colonial policy of the West. The alternative is not so much in the economic sphere, but in the ideological one. People are waiting, they understand that the modern Western civilization came to the dead-end and there is no way out of it. The SCO member countries have managed to carry and preserve their culture and traditions through millennia; they have experienced firsthand all the charms of the colonial policy of the West.

No One Will Want to Repeat the Fate of the USSR.

In the East they are well aware that the West will never give up its colonial policy, it simply will not be able to do so because the West itself is at the mercy of the system mentioned by Alexander Zinoviev. The system instinctively demands its expansion, and thus its domination of the entire world. Without defeating Russia, this cannot be done. It seems that British geopolitician Halford Mackinder was right after all when he said in the early 20th century: “Whoever rules Eurasia, rules the world.” The destruction of the USSR is presented by many as a bloodless regime change, as a liberal effort to tear down the Iron Curtain and give people freedom. Such claims are untrue; it was a war of losses in which today people try not to speak aloud.

In the aftermath of the 1991 coup, the economic losses alone surpassed those of the united Europe, led by Nazi Germany, at the end of World War II. As for human losses, I will use an excerpt from the publication of the famous philosopher Galima Galiullina:

“Human losses in Russia alone amounted to 13 million people (9,367,118 men and 3.5 million women died in the period from 1992 to 2007, before the retirement age). Four million children became homeless. The number of beggars reached 3.4 million, homeless — 4 million, and drug addicts — 3 million. Prostitution flourished. There were 1.3 million street prostitutes in the country. According to a report of the International Labor Organization (ILO), in Moscow alone there were up to 100,000 people engaged in prostitution, of which 20–25,000 were minors.”

If we add to all of the above the human losses incurred in the states of the entire once united country, they can surpass the losses suffered by the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. Until now, no one has been held accountable for this. Moreover, many of those who took active part in the destruction of the country are in high esteem and enjoy state privileges. In practice, this means one thing: the fight against the Soviet ideological legacy will continue.

The Enemy Comes to the Rescue Again!

The events of recent months, taking into account everything we have experienced over the past 30 years, involuntarily suggest that the Russian people, at least the thinking part of them, should be grateful to the West for its aggressive actions against the Russian state. It is frightening to think that everything that has been happening in recent decades could have continued further. I mean the destruction of human morality, the blind worship of money and comfort, and many other things that were impossible to look at without pain. In the first decade after the collapse of the USSR, the globalists could easily make Russia their part, the Russian elites themselves at the time sought to become it, and even now many are not against it. It turns out that the West once again took pity on Russia by starting to expand its military bloc to the East. There is a certain mystery in the decisions of the West, not everything yields to logic in its actions. Any aggression against the Russian statehood has always contributed to the unification of its people, the preservation of their culture and traditions, made the state itself stronger, filling it with the meaning of its existence. So, in my opinion, monuments to various invaders should stand in Russia wherever possible.

When you begin to consider history from the perspective of the past tense, you clearly understand that the events occurring in it, as a rule, contradict the intentions of people. It feels as if someone invisible and powerful is playing chess with mankind, trying to teach it the tricks of this game. What seems to man sometimes terrible and tragic, after some time turns to him or his descendants good, and vice versa, what is felt as a good in the future brings sorrow and suffering to future generations… History has a lot of mysteries. In the months before the revolution of 1917 not one of the future founders of the USSR even imagined the birth of a new Soviet state. Vladimir Lenin was almost sure that the socialist revolution in Russia is not possible. And the Soviet period itself, at first glance, looks like a complete contradiction to common sense. Seemingly, in fact, an atheistic state, yet it embodied all the major traditions of existing religions, and their values made the ideological core of its statehood. Paradox!?

A Struggle with Oneself

More than once in my life I have heard that the Soviet system was only effective under conditions of incessant struggle, while during peaceful and well-fed times there was no need for it. As history has shown, this statement is far from the truth. The struggle can be not only on the battlefield, as many believe. The main struggle is within man himself, it is inherent in his nature and is the main condition for his existence.

The struggle for purity of consciousness and filling it with meaning was actively waged in Soviet schools. The older generation should still remember the Soviet cartoon of 1961 “The Dragon”. For those who have already forgotten or have not seen it at all, I advise to watch and re-evaluate it. This cartoon points to the causes of all the tragedies of mankind and suggests the only way to solve them, which is to fight your own self.

The inner struggle is the human immune system, which, unlike the biological, fights various evil thoughts, contributing to the personal growth of man, his perfection. This is the evolutionary plan. This is not my discovery; it was known and talked about many thousands of years ago. I have always been surprised at the desire of Western propagandists to defame and smear the word Jihad, which is sacred for Muslims. Only with time did I begin to understand the reason for this hatred. I will briefly explain the meaning of the word for those who are not familiar with it. The great Jihad of a Muslim is “a constant struggle with his inner self. Jihad is the cultivation of one’s inner world. The fight against ignorance, greed, avarice, arrogance, in other words, the fight against one’s weaknesses and negative inner qualities.”

The ideology of consumerism imposes the opposite view and demonstratively calls for a total renunciation of the struggle against one’s evil intentions. The chief ideologues of the consumer society, aka the globalists, must be well aware of the consequences of their actions for humanity. We can assume that they will succeed in replacing the innate human immunity with artificial immunity, and that human consciousness will be controlled by various chips. But what about the divine energy, which fills all biological matter with life? Replacing it with electrical energy is unlikely to succeed.

The widespread introduction of transgender ideology, digital control, the blurring of the line between man and woman, and many other things inevitably suggests an attempt to create a new human being. To say the least, the whole endeavor looks foolish, and its consequences will be unpredictable; the whole world is already experiencing them!

In the confrontation with this system, only an ideological war can be decisive, but today, due to the lack of ideology itself, there is no such war yet. Within the framework of a unified system ruled by capital, only a war of mutual destruction of peoples is possible. The experience of the first Patriotic War of 1812 and the Great Patriotic War of 1941 demonstrated that only the awakening of the people and their direct participation in the confrontation with the invader could fundamentally change the course of the battles. A common worldview and shared values over the centuries have helped to unite people who defended their lands from various invaders. Today these values in the minds of consumers are completely lost.

Russia is facing the hardest battle, which may last indefinitely, but on which the future not only of the country, but also the future of the world fully depends. Novorossiya today is the center of a certain sacred plan, it is charged with the mission of cleansing Russia and Ukraine from all that liberal filth and human vice which permeate all spheres of human existence. This long and difficult period of rethinking is essentially a struggle with oneself.

In the end, the system must be destroyed and the financial dragon put on a chain. Mankind has no other choice.