In recent years, there has been a lot of talk in the information space about radical reorganization of the world, its liberation from the legacy of the colonial era, which lasted all the last centuries. But in practice everything looks somehow not quite clear, there are all the signs that no one is going to get rid of the main colonial legacy. On the contrary, the so-called ruling elites, regardless of belonging to one state or another, are trying their best to appropriate this heritage, legitimize it and use it to control their own subjects. We are talking about false values, which have been and remain the cause of all tragedies of mankind since the "officially known history".
In this connection, let me remind you of a well-known phrase attributed to Otto Von Bismarck: "Russians cannot be defeated in war, but Russians can be instilled with false values, and then they will defeat themselves. It does not matter whether Bismarck said these words or not, what is important is that these words are the truth, and it concerns not only specific civilizations, state entities or nations, it concerns every single person.

What are values?

Since the beginning of time, humans have had two main types of values: material and spiritual. The main material value is that which gives and supports the physical life of a human being. In our case, water and earth are the things without which the very existence of life on the planet is impossible. Inventor, philosopher Victor Schauberger wrote about water:
"The true basis of all cultures is knowledge and understanding of water. Disclosure of the secret of water will put an end to all pursuits for profit and their consequences, among which are war, hatred, intolerance, discord in any form and shape" (Journal "Implosion", № 6, p. 29).

Knowledge, mentioned by Victor Schauberger, cannot be attributed to material values. Unlike water itself. Fundamental knowledge is exactly what can be considered as the main spiritual value; everything is built on this knowledge, including moral guidelines of a human being. I believe that originally this knowledge was available to every self-conscious person, the information at the DNA level is reliably stored inside each of us. With the acceptance of false values, about which we are going to talk, man gradually began to lose contact with himself, with the surrounding nature. Man stopped hearing the voice of his mind, which is a guide to knowledge.

It is not by chance that on the wall of the ancient Greek temple of Apollo in Delphi there is an inscription: "Know thyself". The greatest philosopher Socrates gave these words the deepest meaning and importance of knowing oneself. Knowledge about oneself gave man true freedom, knowledge about nature made him one with it, knowledge about life opened his eyes to the true reality.

The struggle for the exclusive possession of knowledge is actually a struggle for the soul of man, for his consciousness. This struggle is waged by those who are obsessed with the passion of power, the desire to control people. A person who possesses knowledge cannot be ruled. He manages himself. That is why, over the last centuries, knowledge has been destroyed, history has been substituted or erased altogether.

Without fundamental knowledge, most people are born, live and die without realizing themselves or the meaning of their existence. The life of such people is mechanical. The call of their own biological nature is their main and only guide in this world.

Think about who are you, a man or a machine?

Based on my own experience of working on myself, studying the materials of neurobiologists, I will try to summarize my thought as follows: Man, unlike animals, is endowed by nature with two decision-making centers, one of which is instinctive and the other is conscious. The first center acts mechanically, with the help of various biological functions of the organism and its brain. It is scientifically proven, the brain makes a decision 30 seconds before a person realizes it. Relying on logic, the brain, using the algorithms embedded in it, makes its own decisions depending on the conditions and situations in which the person is. Like artificial intelligence created by humans, it has self-learning functions. Historical experience, education, upbringing and others play an important role in its work.

The second decision-making center, involves consciously managing oneself. This is hard work that requires a certain amount of effort. Conscious decisions often contradict the elementary logic of a brain-driven person. As a rule, the results of conscious decisions begin to show themselves not immediately, but after a certain period of time. It can be months, years and even centuries, if we are talking about momentous, historical and other fundamental decisions. It is not by chance that Truth is called the Daughter of Time. It manifests itself much later. This center is present in man as an observer and controls all decisions of the first center.

Both of these centers are important for man. The first one makes his life much easier, allowing him to concentrate on the most important things. But, unlike the second center, it is incapable of creative and constructive thinking, which requires full dedication of energy. Besides, like any artificial intelligence created by people, it is largely dependent on acquired information received from the outside. Without an active second center, a person will not be able to deeply comprehend this information and make the right decision. He will act by relying on emotions. A person controlled by the brain can be extremely intelligent in many matters, but remain stupid. He will never become wise.

An important role for these two centers is represented by value orientations, which, as a rule, they have different ones. I know from my bitter experience. Competition between the centers, the so-called inner struggle, which philosophical and religious teachings talk about, is an integral part of human life. A lot depends on the outcome of this struggle. Victory over oneself is rather an exception to the general rule. In the modern world of consumption it is not easy and requires great effort. Under the influence of propaganda, most people prefer to go with the flow. Some rely on power, others on God, without thinking that the road to the Creator runs through their inner world.
When I observe how in Lithuania and other countries the dates of the so-called independence of the state are celebrated, I understand that people are actually happy about the victory of the first decision-making center, which is in their head and controls them, over the second one. These people live unconsciously, they cannot feel true freedom, remaining in the slavery of false values, ruled by their biological instincts.

False values

The false values that have been implanted in human consciousness over the past centuries have been designed to replace or downplay the role of true values for a specific purpose. As I wrote earlier, they are like a Trojan virus embedded in the on-board computer in people's heads. This expression by Tatiana Chernigovskaya characterizes very well the essence of a biological human being controlled solely by the brain. An analogy can be drawn for comparison. Modern scammers use Trojans to gain control of your computer equipment. A Trojan virus is a false program that pretends to be useful for your computer. In reality, it is directly involved in managing and controlling it. In our case, a trojan performs the same function. It represents a false value that a person must believe in and recognize as important to him. The purpose of this "value" is the same - to establish complete control over a person, to correct his development in the direction necessary for the one in control.

In this connection one involuntarily recalls lines from the letter of Christopher Columbus to the royal family of Spain, written by him back in 1503:
"Gold is perfection, gold creates treasures, and the one who owns it can do anything he wishes and is even able to lead human souls to paradise".

Most likely, we can no longer know exactly where and when gold, originally conceived as a means of exchange between people of real values obtained by their labor, itself became valuable. There are many theories, but nevertheless gold or its equivalent becomes a means of accumulating wealth, a measure of material, and sometimes even spiritual and moral values. Only one thing can be asserted: the cult of gold emerged much earlier than the discovery of the American continent. But it was this metal that started the European colonial era. For a long time, the influence of these values had a limited character. At that time there was a paradoxical situation in the world: in one part of the planet gold remained a simple trinket, jewelry, and in another part of the planet for it wars were unleashed, the most terrible crimes were committed. Inquisition, crusades and colonialism were able to expand the influence of false values on all territories of the Earth.

The fact remains that it is gold and its legacy in the form of paper bills and digital zeros that has been able to change the cultural code of the peoples of the planet, bringing them to the brink of self-destruction. Despite this, gold is still considered by many people as the main value reference point, and influential states are rapidly building up their reserves in case of a collapse of the global financial system. I doubt that in the conditions of rapid growth of natural disasters, including droughts, floods and many others, false values held by 1% of the world's population will be able to save even this one percent from thirst or hunger, let alone the rest of humanity.


Humanity will have to abandon false values. These "values" have naturally directed the development of civilization in a false way. The Soviet period of history was not given to us by chance. It was the greatest lesson in its significance, which we must deeply realize. This period cannot be evaluated unequivocally. There were many tragic mistakes, but it could not have been otherwise at that time. For the first time in the last centuries, false values and speculation were challenged. There was an attempt to create a new man, a creator, to give people back knowledge. The role of the teacher up to the 60s was the highest and most respected in the state.

The outstanding Soviet scientist, physicist Sergei Kapitsa warned that the main threat to the world comes not from nuclear weapons or disease, but from human vices such as greed and stupidity.
"It is not the atom or cancer that will destroy the world, but the greedy fool," - these words of Sergei Kapitsa are more relevant today than ever.

Using Sergei Kapitsa's expression, I would like to note that the role of fools in the modern world is becoming more and more important. The tool called democracy has made it possible for fools to occupy leading positions not only in the structures of state power. They occupy various positions in such important areas as education, culture, science, upbringing and so on. And after all, the future of the country, in which important leadership positions are occupied by fools, by definition can not be. It is possible, of course, to legalize the leading role of fools in the state, recognizing all thinking people outlawed. This is already being tried in Lithuania and many other countries. If you are for peace, then you are an enemy of the state, if you are for friendship of nations, then you are a traitor. If you respect Russians or Belarusians, then you are a spy and your place is in prison. No matter how ridiculous it all looks, but this, like many other things, is becoming a reality in a world ruled by greedy fools.

Jaras Valiukenas